
Reflections And Insights From Underwater


Terapia Integral Acuática

Hidroterapia en Benicàssim, Castellón Cuando hablamos de hidroterapia, basicamente nos referimos al método curativo que se fundamenta en la utilización del agua. Hay numerosas formas de utilizacion del agua de forma terapeutica y su uso ha sido extendido por todo el mundo desde tiempos inmemorables. Benicàssim e hidroterapia han ido de la mano desde que se fundo el Termalismo a mediados del siglo pasado y hasta ahora de la mano del Centro Termal El Palassiet. Lo que no sabe mucha gente es que Benicàssim tambien alberga uno de los pocos centros de Fisioterapia de la Comunidad Valenciana que poseen de piscina terapeutica propia desde hace más de 20 años, el Centro de Fisioterapia Kinesis. Bibiana Badenes es su fundadora y lleva aplicando los beneficios de la hidroterapia por otros tantos (fue una de las fisioterapeutas del mismo Termalismo).  Actualmente Grow Wellness colabora con el Centro Kinesis para ofrecer Terapia Integral Acuatica, asi como fisioterapia prenatal y fisioterapia pediatrica tanto en seco como en agua, ademas de clases en piscina de preparacion al parto y clases de estimulacion acuatica y psicomotricidad para bebes. ¿Y que es la

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Beneficios del Agua para Mamás y Bebés

I’ve been thinking a lot about my summer hometown Benicassim lately. In part because it’s summertime, and the best summers of my life were spent amongst friends and family in that beautiful beach town. It’s also been on my mind because I’m taking my family there in August for the first time in six years!
Would you drop everything and visit Benicassim? I hope so. You won’t regret it!

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10 curiosidades sobre mí

I’ve been thinking a lot about my summer hometown Benicassim lately. In part because it’s summertime, and the best summers of my life were spent amongst friends and family in that beautiful beach town. It’s also been on my mind because I’m taking my family there in August for the first time in six years!
Would you drop everything and visit Benicassim? I hope so. You won’t regret it!

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My Hometown in Spain: Nostalgia and Excitement

I’ve been thinking a lot about my summer hometown Benicassim lately. In part because it’s summertime, and the best summers of my life were spent amongst friends and family in that beautiful beach town. It’s also been on my mind because I’m taking my family there in August for the first time in six years!
Would you drop everything and visit Benicassim? I hope so. You won’t regret it!

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What in the world is Earthing? Earthing is an old practice that involves connecting your body, mind and spirit to the planet Earth we live and are part of.  There is some current research that says earthing can help you balance your internal circuitry and restore a lost electrical charge by connecting with the Earth’s negative surface charge. According the Earthing Institute Earthing can help improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and allow for deeper sleep. Tough Earthing science is backed up by physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body, we all know how it feels to be barefoot in the grass, the sand or even being inmersed in water – anything that allows your body to connect directly with the Earth. Over time, people have had less and less interaction with Nature. Walking barefoot is a common practice in many cultures around the world. Today, we walk with our feet cushioned in shoes and sleep in beds. While life has gotten more comfortable, over the past 50 years chronic diseases, immune disorders and inflammation in

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4 key points for a DIY Couples Neck massage

4 key points for a DIY Couples Neck massage Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to reconnect with the unconditional love we all share as human beings. How can we restore a sense of love and connection into our everyday interactions? By stoking our heart’s fire, caring for each other, and keeping life fun! What about giving them a Massage that will nurture your connection, and will help them feel more relaxed and happy? I’d like to share with you four key elements, many of which go hand in hand, and a detailed video to help you give your loved one a wonderful neck Massage on Valentine’s Day and beyond! Let Valentine’s Day radiate it’s warmth and love for you and those who most matter to you! «When someone else’s happiness is your happiness, that is Love» Lana del Rey Environment First, find a quiet place where you can create a peaceful and loving environment. You can dim the lights or turn off the lights and light some candles, light some incense that you both like and put some ambient music of your preference. For a neck

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